rank fiverr gig
Rank Fiverr Gig

Fiverr is an online marketplace where people buy and sell different digital services.  Most of the services on Fiverr start just at $5, hence the name of the company (5-err). Lots of people buy and sell services on Fiverr every single day.

Founded in 2010, Fiverr has grown to become one of the largest websites that directly connect people across the globe for selling and buying different services. The best feature of this marketplace is the auto lead generation process where you don’t need to bid regularly to get projects. Fiverr is a platform that automatically generates leads for your profile and only you need to deliver work on time. Fiverr is now one of the best and leading freelancing sites over 2.5 million buyers. So if you want to buy or sell any digital services, then Fiverr is the best place for you.


1. Get Your First Order ASAP


(i) Ask a Friend to purchase your gig

If you want to build trust for buyers, you need to first have a review to get more clients to order your gig.

You may ask a Friend to purchase your service and review your Gig with 5 stars and an amazingly written review as I have seen most of the people doing this before, but do remember this that this is actually against Fiverr’s Terms and Conditions.

(ii) Create A Dummy Account on Fiverr

Create a dummy account on Fiverr and buy your own Gig. I’d recommend you to not do this more than once, or might as well just never do it since that doesn’t sound like a good idea too.


2. Do Proper On-Page SEO of your Gig


Just like we bloggers do SEO of our pages, on Fiverr you have to do the On-Page SEO on your Gig so that it appears higher in search results. This can do done with the help of keywords. Let’s have a look at it:

(i)           Add keywords to Gig Title

Only one keyword included in the Gig Title can help increase the chance of your Gig being ranked.

 For Example: “I will fix WordPress issues for you right now” (Here “fix wordpress issues” is a keyword.)

 Note: This is not always necessary, but this helps in most cases.


(ii)          Add the right Keywords to Tags

When you’re creating a gig, on the “Overview” tab you’re asked to add 5 Gig Tags. These tags are to be used for entering keywords which buyers search for.

Rank Fiverr Gig on First Page

(iii)        How to find the right keywords?


You can find the accurate keywords for your Gig by using search terms which the buyer may be using when they are looking for services.

Rank Fiverr Gig on First Page
Keywords in Fiverr

For Example: if you’re selling WordPress Fixation services then search for “Fix WordPress” and a bunch of keywords will start appearing. Try adding the keywords in the tags just like: Fix WordPress, WordPress, Customization, Fix, Fix WordPress Issues.

Note that the above keywords can be used in combination, such as “WordPress” and “Customization” can make up “WordPress Customization” so that when someone searches for that, you Gig may appear on first page.

You can also check what tags other sellers have added in their gigs

By scrolling to the very bottom of a Gig, you will find the tags the seller has added in their Gig. This is how they look:

Rank Fiverr Gig On First Page in 2021

(iv)        Add Keywords to description

In a similar way, you have to add keywords to your Gig Description as well but here’s a big TIP: Don’t over-do it. You can add the keywords in the beginning of your Gig Description. You can add maximum 5 keywords in the description.

Example: “Are you having WordPress issues? Worry not! Because I am an expert who has helped many clients Fix WordPress Issues.”

You see a keyword “Fix WordPress Issues” but it doesn’t sound like I’m being forced to add it in the sentence, everything goes with the flow of the sentence.

Keywords also appear in your Gig URL

This is a good practice. Your Gig URL cannot be changed once your Gig is published, the link for the Gig is auto-generated from the Gig Title.

If the keywords are included correctly in the Gig Title, they will automatically appear in your Gig URL.

3. Description and FAQ

The description part is the main and important part to represent yourself to a buyer. Cause if any buyer goes into your gig. He/she will read the description of which type of extra and unique services you are providing to him/her. After reading the description he/she will decide that he going to give you the job or not.so the tips for the description are-


Give a greeting your buyer at the top of the description.

Make your description in three to four parts and make sure that those parts are disciplined. Add who you are, why you are unique, what services do you provide, and what unique and extra services you will give client, which others are not going to give the buyer.

A trick for description is trying to write your tags or service tag in the description, again and again, .it will help to get ranked your gig.

In the FAQ part, add all the questions that a buyer could ask you. All types of questions, even if you provide any extra or related services that also you could explain.


4. Attractive Gig Image

You should attach High-Quality pictures on Gig. I have seen a lot of people attach low-resolution pictures on their Gig which is not a good idea.

As we know, pictures or images speak louder than words. An attractive and well design gig image can help to get more clicks compare to others. When a buyer searches any services on Fiverr, they can see services images and titles first. So if your gig have an attractive image, then definitely your gig generate more clicks compare to your competitors. Image alt tag is also an important point for gig ranking. Most of the sellers don’t put alt tag for their gig images which is not good. Always give an image alt tag for your gig image.


5. Have a good Average Selling Rate

An Average selling rate is an average amount of earning you have with your orders on Fiverr. If you have almost all your orders over $50 consistently (without having any orders of $5 or $10 in between) then soon your Average selling rate will be $50.

 Fiverr Search shows buyers Gigs according to their budget, so when buyers select a budget your Gig will be shown because your Average selling rate is according to their budget. This means that more Average selling rate means increasing cash.

6. Stay online 24/7

You have to always be online so that even when buyers select “Active Sellers” in search, your Gig will be shown.

To stay online always, make sure to Install the Fiverr app on your Mobile and always stay online from there.

If you use your laptop to stay active then that would be more better, but make sure it’s always connected to internet. Using a Laptop for work seems more professional.

7. Promote your Gigs on Social Media

There comes a period when your Fiverr selling becomes way too low. It is because Fiverr wants you to spread the word to promote your service on social media. It can be done by simply sharing it on your Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram account. You can also share your gig on quora account. A better way would join groups about your niche and share it there. You can also help people anywhere online, and if they want to pay, you give them your Fiverr gig URL so they can place an order. After creating Fiverr gig next step, how to promote Fiverr gig, most of the people do not know how to promote gigs.


8. Create multiple gigs in the same category

To increase your chances of being hired, you can make multiple gigs in the same category but different subcategories. For example: solve WordPress issue, you can make two gigs: one for “WordPress speed” and others for “WordPress install”.



The Average Selling Rate means the amount of money you have with your orders

are done on Fiverr.

If you are having all your orders consistently up to $50 then sooner your Average

Selling Rate will reach $50. Your gig is shown depending upon your Fiverr budget.


For example; your gig will be shown only when the buyer will select the budget

because the Average Selling Rate is completely dependent upon the budget of the

Buyer. It means that a more Average selling rate will increase more cash.


10. Quality Work & On-time Delivery

Complete orders on time is key for every profile. Fiverr is giving more priority to those profiles who completed orders on time. Quality work and on time delivery are the two major points for gigs ranking on Fiverr.  If you are doing high quality work and delivering projects before deadline, then your gig will rank on fiverr search and stay on top for long time.


Good Luck Selling on Fiverr!