Thanks for visiting Spicy Techish blog and special thanks to visit about page of this site. May be you are curious to know more about Spicy Techish blog and the person behind it. So, I am Maryam Akbar the person behind this blog.

I am from Gujranwala, Pakistan. I love to research about making money online, Education tips, Free Courses and write about it. I am also a die hard lover of technology. Therefore, sometimes I like to write about other topics that is related to technology. Hope this blog will help me to share my thoughts and ideas. I will try my best to serve true, important and helpful information through my blog.

Founded in 2020 by Maryam Akbar. Our mission is to provide easy to
understand, legible, and fool-proof news and information on make money online, education, courses and free softwares and more. I am also providing you free Softwares.  If you want any specific Software you can Comment or Contact Us.


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